Favorite Authors

Favorite Authors


Susan Jeffers

Susan Jeffers writes “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway” and a number of other wonderful books on fear and interpersonal connection. I love the way Susan describes anxiety and fear and her process of overcoming them. In a nut shell, she shows us that facing our fears and working our way towards personal empowerment happens through taking positive action despite the fear.

Favorite Books

“Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”

“Feel the Fear and Beyond”

“Feel the Fear Guide to Lasting Love”

“Dare to Connect”

Website: http://www.susanjeffers.com/home/index.cfm


Stephanie Dowrick

Stephanie Dowrick is a superb author who writes to raise awareness and compassion throughout the world. Describing herself as a spiritual activist, she wonderfully faces some of the most meaningful questions and issues that humanity needs to look at today. She covers pertinent topics such as intimacy, forgiveness, trust, courage, love and integrity and she explores the psychological and spiritual dimensions of all of them and more.

Favorite Books

“Forgiveness and Other Acts of Love”

“Intimacy & Solitude”

“The Universal Heart”

Website: http://www.stephaniedowrick.com/


Anne Katherine

Anne Katherine has written great books on interpersonal boundaries that wonderfully portray real people’s challenges in, and everyday life barriers to establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. I highly recommend her books for anyone struggling with boundaries in their relationships.

Favorite Books

“Where to Draw the Line; How to Set Healthy Boundaries Everyday”

“Boundaries; Where You End and I Begin”

“When Misery is Company; End Self Sabotage and Become Content”

Website: http://www.annekatherine.org/


Judith Herman

Judith Herman is the Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Training Director of the Victims of Violence Program, Cambridge Hospital. I was introduced to Judith’s work well over a decade ago and she stood to me because she defines Complex Trauma in an authentic way that no-one before her has.

Favorite Books

“Trauma and Recovery; From Domestic Violence to Political Terrorism”




John Welwood

John Welwood is a psycho-spiritual writer and psychotherapist who beautifully captures the process of healing through conscious relationship. In his work, he bridges together wisdom from both Western Psychology and Eastern Spirituality. I enjoy how in a number of his books he highlights the very real process of opening our minds and hearts to ourselves and our partners that results in deep release of childhood wounds. Similar to John’s work, I too believe that through conscious relationship we hold the gift of healing at a deep level of our being.

Favorite Books

“Love and Awakening”

“Toward a Psychology of Awakening; Buddhism, Psychotherapy and a Path of Personal and Spiritual Transformation”


“Conscious Relationships” (formally Sacred Fire)

Website: http://www.johnwelwood.com/


Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber is a leading author and therapist in transcendental psychology and philosophy. Like John Welwood, Ken brings together decades of wisdom from both Western Psychology and Eastern spiritual practice in his work. His very authentic spiritual journey is echoed through his books and theories of existence.

Favorite Books

“Grace and Grit”

“No Boundary”

“Integral Psychology; Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy”

Stan Grof

Stan Grof is a psychiatrist who is passionate about spiritual emergence and transcendental psychology. He and his partner, Christina Grof have written a number of books on this topic, borrowing from a huge wealth of science studies and knowledge.

Favorite Books

“Spiritual Emergence; When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis”

Website: http://www.stanislavgrof.com/


Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks is a psychiatrist who embraces the talent and soul of neurological and psychological “dis-orders”. What I love about Oliver Sack’s work is how he sees the gifts within so called madness and dysfunction. He truly sees outside the square from traditional psychiatry.

Favorite Books

“The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat”



Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle’s simplicity is beautiful. I love the way he speaks about the state of presence that we can all embrace and become. I particularly like his concept of the pain body and his process of conscious relating which involves becoming aware of our own “unconscious wounding” and taking responsibility for its effects on the ones we love.

Favorite Books

“The Power of Now”

“The Liberated Life”

“A New Earth”

“And Even the Sun Will Die”

“Stillness Speaks”

Website: http://www.eckharttolle.com/